The Edge of the World

The Edge of the World

A way of life is dying on a remote Scottish island, but some of the inhabitants resist evacuating to the mainland.


“The story hinges conventionally on a romantic couple who are separated by tragedy and circumstance, then reunited after the birth of their illegitimate baby, yet the film refuses to conclude with this couple — refuses to use them as a summing-up of what the picture is really about, as almost any American movie would. Eerily, these characters are dwarfed first and last by their awesome physical surroundings, and by the nurturing community they come from, which looms second largest in Powell’s sense of a natural order.”

Jonathan Rosenbaum1


“I don’t want to make a documentary. Documentaries are for disappointed feature film-makers or out-of-work poets.”

Michael Powell2

  • 1Jonathan Rosenbaum, “The Communal Balancing Act,” Chicago Reader, 9 June 2000.
  • 2Michael Powell, A Life in Movies: An Autobiography (New York: Knopf, 1987), 241.
KASKcinema, Ghent