37/78 Tree Again

Shot on expired infrared film, Tree Again shows a succession of single frame shots from the same position of a tree between summer and autumn.
“There was little likelihood of anything turning out on the film.”
Kurt Kren1
“In Tree Again Kren makes distance a form of immersion however. Whilst taken from a fixed point-of-view, the landscape is not beheld from outside; distance does not objectify; the image is constantly fluctuating on the film surface. the surface becomes a question of the different registration of depth in the image, that is, of the complexities such investigations imply; that times and spaces are distance - indeed never there as such - and are brought to reflection.”
Gareth Polmeer2
- 1Quoted by Hans Hurch, sixpackfilm.com
- 2Gareth Polmeer, "37/78 Tree Again," in Kren: Structural Films, Eds. Nicky Hamlyn, Simon Payne, and A. L. Rees. (Bristol: Intellect Books, 2016)./fn]