Luminous People is a recreation of an event to commemorate the presence of the dead and the decayed memories of the living, of filmmaking.
“Luminous People is a recreation of an event to commemorate the presence of the dead and the decayed memories of the living, of filmmaking. A group of people is in a boat traveling along the Mekong River that stretches along the Thai-Laos border. They are running against the wind, anticipating a farewell. In the middle of the river, the lady head of the family casts the ashes off into the stream. The white dust merges with the muddy water. The boat makes a U-turn at the bridge that links two countries. The passengers are tired and start to drift off into their own worlds. The film disintegrates. The crew and the cast wander off in the river of simulation. The border links the worlds of the dead and of the living. The memory of an anonymous dead father lingers. The boat still moves on as the dusk arrives.”
Apichatpong Weerasethakul1
- 1Apichatpong Weerasethakul, “Filmmaker’s Statement,” Kick the Machine.