Captain Phillips

The Found Footage of Captain Phillips

Gerard-Jan Claes, 2014

Paul Greengrass: “When we started the film, it was a top priority for me to look into this issue in every detail. […] we researched the background of the Maersk Alabama highjacking in exhausting detail over many months. […] And I’m 100% satisfied that the picture we present of these events in the film, including the role playing by Captain Phillips, is authentic. […] the facts are clear. Captain Phillips’ ship was attacked, and the ship and the crew and its cargo made it safely to port with no injuries or loss of life. […] That’s the story we told, and it’s an accurate one.”

De found footage van Captain Phillips

Gerard-Jan Claes, 2014

De fictie creëert geen afstand tot de werkelijk afgespeelde gebeurtenissen. Integendeel, de film zet alles in werking om een gevoel van ‘kijk, wij waren er bij’ te scheppen. Dit is hoe het ‘echt’ is gebeurd. De film krijgt het statuut van een re-enactment: men reënsceneert minutieus de feiten. Greengrass geeft dit ook zelf aan: “When we started the film, it was a top priority for me to look into this issue in every detail. […] we researched the background of the Maersk Alabama highjacking in exhausting detail over many months. […] And I’m 100% satisfied that the picture we present of these events in the film, including the role playing by Captain Phillips, is authentic. […] the facts are clear.