Ciné-concert: Histoire de détective & Seppe Gebruers

Ciné-concert: Histoire de détective & Seppe Gebruers

Bozar, Avila and Sabzian present a unique cinema concert. Pianist Seppe Gebruers will accompany Charles Dekeukeleire's avant-garde masterpiece Histoire de détective (1929) live on two grand pianos.

Experimental filmmaker Charles Dekeukeleire (1905-1971) took the well-known detective genre as a starting point for his third film, Histoire de détective (1929). The story begins with the flaring jealousy of a married couple, which takes surprising turns in the hands of Dekeukeleire. Jazz and contemporary classical pianist Seppe Gebruers will accompany the silent film live by playing on two grand pianos simultaneously, one of which is tuned a quarter tone lower. The dogma of harmonic consonance will be questioned, just as Dekeukeleire rejects linear narrative forms and works with parallel montage. The music will dialogue with the film’s playful absurdity and surprising rhythms.

26 Feb 2024 - 04 Mar 2025
BOZAR, Brussels
PART OF Sabzian Events