La mort de Venise
Jean-Marie Straub,

Commissioned by the Venice Film Festival for the omnibus film Future Reloaded.
“SILENT FILM. "THE DEATH" – of cinematograph – of the Festival "OF VENICE" by Maurice Barrés:
In the French version (by Jean Renoir himself of "The Golden Coach", the most Italian of all Italian films, we hear exclaimed amid all the confusion: Death to the old and senile!
"At funerals one only hears words of astonishment that a mortal man has died" - Bossuet, says someone in the film "Rue de l'Estrapade" by Jacques Becker.
Jean-Marie Straub1
- 1Jean-Marie Straub, the subtitles for La Mort de Venise, Straub's contribution to the Venice Film Festival's omnibus Future Reloaded.