Classics Restored Festival 2023
The annual Classics Restored Festival organised by Cinea is returning on March 3rd, visiting six different Belgian cinemas with a rich program of recently restored films. Each film will be introduced by experts who will shed light on the films’ unique material history and restoration. Films that will be shown include: Mikey and Nicky (Elaine May, 1976), La règle du jeu (Jean Renoir, 1939), Written on the Wind (Douglas Sirk, 1956), Dolgie provody [The Long Farewell] (Kira Muratova, 1971), Sciuscià (Vittorio De Sica, 1946), Canyon Passage (Jacques Tourneur, 1946), Private Property (Leslie Stevens, 1960), Chikamatsu monogatari [The Crucified Lovers] (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1954), and many more.
Find more information here.
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