Roger Koza

Roger Koza (1968) is an Argentinian film critic. He works as a critic for the Córdoba newspaper La Voz del Interior and has published texts in Quid and Ñ magazines. He also maintains a daily website with his writings on film called Ojosabiertos at Otroscines. In 2004, he published Con los ojos abiertos: crítica de cine de algunas películas recientes. He also edited Cine y pensamiento: las conferencias de Mar del Plata (2006) and contributed to Cine del mañana (2007). He has been invited to program for various film festivals, including Hamburg International Film Festival, FICUNAM (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico’s International Film Festival) and IFFR (International Film Festival of Rotterdam). He directed the Festival of the Rio Negro Proyecta National Festival (Argentina) between 2009 and 2011 and became the artistic director of Cosquin International Independent Film Festival in Córdoba in 2014. He has presided on the  festival jury at a number of festivals.

Interview with Hong Sang-soo

Francisco Ferreira, Julien Gester, 2015
Introduced by Roger Koza

“Imagine this rectangle is real life. I try to come as close as possible to it. How ? Using details of my life, things I’ve lived, things I heard from other people I know or I just met. I always mix different sources, and it’s never about myself, but it looks like something that happened, or looks like its about me. I want it to be like that. I realized that when I was 23 and was writing a script based on a real story. I felt too tense; I couldn’t move. I needed distance. In the same way, my films are never a parallel line to reality. What I tend to do is to follow an arrow towards reality, avoiding it at the very last second.”