Thomas Helbig

Thomas Helbig (1967) is a German artist based in Berlin. He studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Munich and Goldsmiths, University of London, from 1989–1996. Helbig is represented by Thomas Brambilla Contemporary Art in Bergamo, Italy, and Galerie Guido W. Baudach in Berlin, Germany. His work was featured in many exhibitions, including at Oldenburger Kunstverein, the ICA (London) and Maschenmode (Berlin). It was also shown at different galleries and museums such as Museum Abteiberg (Möndchengladbach), Daniel Hug Gallery (Los Angeles), and The Approach (London).

Wilfried Reichart About German-French Film and Television History

Thomas Helbig, 2018

Wilfried Reichart shaped the WDR-Filmredaktion in various capacities, leading it from 1980 until 2004. Over the years, Reichart had several conversations with Jean-Luc Godard and grappled with his work in reviews, articles and essays again and again. Reichart: “Honestly, I have always been fascinated by this person. I like the constant rebeginning, the permanent calling into question, in order to then take another step. I find that incredibly exciting about him. This fundamental attitude. The principle of his thinking is always to say no. [...] That’s the difference between him and all the others. Rivette has always made the same films, Truffaut as well, and Rohmer very extremely so. They have all found their style and followed it through until the end of their lives. Godard is the only one who hasn’t done this.”