Marlena von Wedel

Marlena von Wedel has been working in the cultural department of the Goethe-Institut in Brussels since 2020. There she is responsible for cultural programming as well as the regional film archive. Marlena studied Fine Arts and Philosophy in Amsterdam and Paris and completed a Master of Curatorial Studies in Leipzig. With a background in video art, her practice today is located at the intersection of film, art and curating. In 2022, she co-founded the artistic project space auJUS in Saint-Gilles which experiments with methods from performance and role play.

Traveling as Method in the Work of Ulrike Ottinger

Marlena von Wedel, 2025

The incredible vastness and unpredictability of Ottinger’s imagery is what makes up its quality, so any attempt to describe her work can only seem reductive. And yet it seems worthwhile to observe closely the overlapping of the queer, the ethnographic, the fictional and the documentary bundled in the artist’s incessant travel interest. Ultimately, it is precisely the entanglement of these views that is the great artistic contribution of Ottinger’s life work.

Ulrike Ottinger, 2025
Introduction by Marlena von Wedel

In preparation for her projects, Ottinger produces thick books, in which visual and literary snippets are collected in a cut-and-mix collage technique. Some of these only contain script, others are collections of photographs, people, objects, poems, or any information on how a certain mood might be created. Often, they are not only work books but also travel diaries with vocabulary of the other language, maps, phone numbers, important addresses or notes.

Interview with Alexander Kluge on his Minutenfilme exhibition at argos centre for audiovisual arts

Julian Volz, Marlena von Wedel, 2022

Since September 2021, argos in Brussels has been showing a five-part exhibition of Alexander Kluge’s Minutenfilme [Minute-films]. The Minutenfilme often distil multilayered themes in summary form. Alexander Kluge: “You see, the rough simplicity of a murder ballad, this popular fairground narrative, easily leads you to high scholasticism with the question “How does God work?”, to which of course no one knows the answer. To reconnect this is my true passion. In this, I’m the executive body of Benjamin, Adorno, Horkheimer and a slew of other great minds.”

Interview met Alexander Kluge over zijn Minutenfilme-tentoonstelling in argos centre for audiovisual arts

Julian Volz, Marlena von Wedel, 2022

Sinds september 2021 loopt in argos in Brussel een vijfdelige tentoonstelling van Alexander Kluge's Minutenfilme. De minutenfilms distilleren vaak zeer gelaagde thema’s in een kort formaat. Alexander Kluge: “U ziet dat u met de ruwe eenvoud van een moordlied, een populair kermisverhaal, gemakkelijk in de hoge scholastiek terechtkomt via de vraag “Hoe gaat God te werk?”, waarop natuurlijk niemand het antwoord weet. Dit alles opnieuw verbinden is mijn ware passie. Daarin ben ik het uitvoerend orgaan van Benjamin, Adorno, Horkheimer en een hele schare andere knappe koppen.”

Interview mit Alexander Kluge zu seiner Minutenfilmausstellung im argos centre for audiovisual arts

Julian Volz, Marlena von Wedel, 2022

Seit September 2021 zeigt das argos in Brüssel eine fünfteilige Ausstellung mit Alexander Kluge’s Minutenfilmen. In den Minutenfilmen sind oft sehr vielschichtige Themen im kurzen Format destilliert. Alexander Kluge: “Sie merken: Sie kommen mit dieser robusten Einfachheit der Moritat, also einer volkstümlichen, jahrmarktgebundenen Erzählweise ohne Weiteres in die Hochscholastik mit der Frage: “Wie arbeitet Gott?”, was ja keiner weiß. Dies wieder zu verbinden, das ist meine ganze Leidenschaft. Und da bin ich ausführendes Organ von Benjamin, Adorno, Horkheimer und einer ganzen Horde weiterer guter Geister.”