Evgeny Gusyatinskiy

Evgeny Gusyatinskiy is a film curator, festival programmer, film critic, and lecturer. Since 2011, he has been a member of the selection committee of International Film Festival Rotterdam, programming feature films from Eastern Europe, Russia, CIS countries, Israel, and Greece. In Rotterdam, he has curated a number of retrospectives and thematic programmes and also serves on the selection committee of the Robby Müller Award. From 2018 to 2022, he curated film at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow. He has contributed to a number of international book publications on contemporary cinema and frequently writes on film for various international media. 

Evgeny Gusyatinskiy, 2017

Loznitsa filme les événements actuels comme s’ils appartenaient déjà à un passé lointain. A l’inverse, dans ses films composés d’archives au rebut, il exhume le passé et ses éléments cachés à manière d’un archéologue, en les replaçant dans le contexte actuel et même dans l’avenir, et il révèle les liens tacites qui les unissent. Il peut même séparer, détacher un événement du moment où il s’est produit et l’observer avec le regard distancié du phénoménologue.

Evgeny Gusyatinskiy, 2017

Loznitsa films current events as if they already became a part of the long-distanced past, and the other way around. In his archival found footage works he excavates the past and its hidden elements like an archeologist, placing them into the context of the present and even of the future, and reveals the indistinct links between them. Perhaps he even separates, detaches an event from a moment when it happened and looks at it from a distanced point of view of a phenomenologist.